So here are some things that I've been thinking about lately. You should know that Mary and I have not talked about all of these things. Also, most of these have not come out of situations that have arisen...they are just thoughts I try to answer.
Is gambling wrong? What about sponsoring a gambler? What about business ventures? What about the lottery? What about a fund raising raffle or something akin?
Did God intend for us to domesticate animals? If so, to what extent? What about plants? Should we have these things in our homes? What kinds of shelter did God intend for us to have?
If the church is truly not providing the social safety net that it should (to homeless, hungry, needs, widow and orphans, etc.) should Christians support governmental efforts to those ends as a necessary intermediate? How can the church regain its proper place in society (how do we have proper dissent from the government..when and how is it proper)? Should government have the ability to tax at all?
Should we really have freedom of speech? If so, does that mean I have to hear someone playing their music loudly with expletives and crude language or do I have a right to silence?
As the one ultimately responsible to God, can I unilaterally make decisions in the house regarding finances, schedule, purchases, etc.? What does that authority look like? Is it wrong to have a woman "bread-winner" (the wife earns the majority/all of the income)?