Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And now for something totally different...

Well it's been hard to know what to say and where to start with updating this blog. Since our last post pretty much everything in our lives has changed. On December 12th Danny resigned from his job at the Church of the Cross, it was the result of a series of events which made it clear that we no longer agreed with the youth ministry philosophy at the church. So with that we packed up, put our house on the market and moved in with my parents in Charlottesville, Virginia. That may sound a little drastic, but we knew we could no longer afford our house in Bluffton so we would have to sell our house, find a new church and get new jobs anyway so we figured we might as well be up in Virginia with our families. So here we are. We just arrived on Sunday, unpacked our Penske and filled up a storage unit (our home away from home away from home Danny calls it)

So that's life now. Job searching is our main priority. Prayers are definitely welcome, for our house to sell and for jobs to come quickly!


Unknown said...

That is good that you have made a new post. Knowing what I knew about the situation, it made me sad everytime I checked this blog and saw the last post :(

Also, you will have to get your own pictures. It is not fair to just repeat Daddy's!

Mom G said...

Well, that is an impressive truck for a downsizing couple. :)

We are praying for new, fun jobs and a very quick house sale.

Mary, it must be so nice to be with your folks, near your old friends, and now you can introduce Danny to "your world"!