Friday, December 5, 2008
Life (or at least where I work) is Beautiful
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
thinking caps...
Is gambling wrong? What about sponsoring a gambler? What about business ventures? What about the lottery? What about a fund raising raffle or something akin?
Did God intend for us to domesticate animals? If so, to what extent? What about plants? Should we have these things in our homes? What kinds of shelter did God intend for us to have?
If the church is truly not providing the social safety net that it should (to homeless, hungry, needs, widow and orphans, etc.) should Christians support governmental efforts to those ends as a necessary intermediate? How can the church regain its proper place in society (how do we have proper dissent from the government..when and how is it proper)? Should government have the ability to tax at all?
Should we really have freedom of speech? If so, does that mean I have to hear someone playing their music loudly with expletives and crude language or do I have a right to silence?
As the one ultimately responsible to God, can I unilaterally make decisions in the house regarding finances, schedule, purchases, etc.? What does that authority look like? Is it wrong to have a woman "bread-winner" (the wife earns the majority/all of the income)?
And now, a word from Danny :-)
(I play when my back says I can play;
sometimes I just take pictures and keep score :-) )
Here's our living room before we moved in
This is the room with our "Christmas arrangement"
AKA "Can you tell we don't use our fireplace?"
(note the lack of Poangs)
I know Mary posted a picture of the lights, but this one is here because it shows the glow of 1,100 lights (1.1 kilalight)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmas Tree!
Then we added lots and lots of lights
And we decorated of course, we still need a topper and a tree skirt
The part we don't have pictures of is me and Danny carrying a wet and not so light 10ft tree through the front door of our house, wrestling it into a tree stand, moving it across the living room only to find that it wouldn't work there and then moving it back which by the end of it all involved rearranging our entire living was a long but festive night.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Home Improvements
Here's the entry way which I also painted. And Danny installed a new light fixture which you can see here, he just did that yesterday.
And here's a picture of some more progress on the dining room. It now has a new chandelier, it only took us about 4 months to decide on one.
So I've also been busy in the kitchen. I've tested out some new recipes, below are some pics of the final results.This is a pumpkin roll I made, which I thought turned out great. Looks really impressive too :)
And this was my first attempt at homemade mashed potatoes (as in, not from the box). It turned out okay, but it was like a baked mashed potato recipe so I think putting them in the oven after mashing them kinda dried them out. Oh well, they look good because they are topped with cheese and bread crumbs.
This week is Thanksgiving and since I work retail, we will be staying put here in SC. We were invited by some friends to join their family for Thanksgiving, so that will be nice. Then I work Friday and Saturday of course. But thankfully, my shifts are not too bad and we will have time to go cut down a Christmas tree on Friday when I get off. We're both really excited about getting a Christmas tree this year since last year we couldn't get one because we were moving. So we'll be sure to post pictures from all that fun to come!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Latest on us...
So, we finally got internet at our house!! It only took us 6 months since moving into our house, but now we have internet access so hopefully we will be much better about keeping up with this blog of ours. In the past couple months we have been busy as usual. Our latest house project has been the dining room. Now with a table, 6 chairs and paint on the walls, it is almost done. Here's some before and after pics.
Ugly green and yellow on the walls...
We also recently took a trip back up to Virginia to visit our Hampton Roads friends and family. It was a perfect weekend trip for us!
My wonderful and pregnant friend Kristen. I got to go to her baby shower while we were in VA.
In other news, I graduated from Physical Therapy for my knee. I am now supposed to just do home exercises to continue to strengthen my knee and I had a follow up visit to the doctor and he says that even though I still have some occasional pain, I should be fine and none of it will be long term or permanent damage! So that's great news. I'm definitely doing a lot better. Also, I'm starting to feel more settled in my job at Pier 1. Now that we've adjusted to our new store manager things are going well. So until God presents another opportunity, I'm thinking I might stay put. Danny and I are just both realizing how blessed we are to have good jobs. A lot of people are suffering right now with losing jobs and economic troubles and we are SO blessed to have the life we do. We really want to focus on being grateful for what we have and doing the best with the jobs we are in. We love the kids down here and God is definitely blessing the youth group, so we are very happy!!
So Danny posted a bunch of pictures in the following posts. They're random and might not make sense to everyone but their mostly from our trip to VA. Enjoy....