Monday, May 19, 2008

How was your day? careful what you pray for. I've heard it said that if you pray for patience God doesn't just give you patience. Rather He gives you the opportunity to be patient. So Mary and I prayed to be in ministry full-time. Hmmm...

This morning we wake up to cell phones ringing (which isn't all that rare actually these days). We find out that there has been a member of the church (16 years old) who was in a terrible car accident (not his fault) and is in intensive care in Savannah. We didn't have any relationship with the family or the young man. We were invited and acccept a ride down there to visit and pray for the family as representatives of the Lord and their church. We get there and are pretty much strangers and, even worse in the eyes of a hurting 18 year old sister, "church strangers." We left shortly thereafter to return to Bluffton where we, along with some area youth ministers hosted a place for students to gather. Tomorrow we will be hosting another one at a church accross the street from the high school where the family attends school. Things aren't looking very good right now for the young man in the hospital so tomorrow's time may be very somber indeed.

In other news, the past two nights Mary and I have dirven late at night down a very long, dark and deer infested road to Beaufort to buy and then return a table that we bought off Craigslist. It's a long story but suffice it to say we are exhausted from many incredibly busy days in a row.

Oh yeah...this was our "day off." Is there such a thing in ministry? Thank you Lord for giving me what I prayed for.

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